28 December, 2008

Being a Good Christian Rebel and Patriot

Is being a True Christian in this World mean that I am A Rebel?
In the same light is being a Patriot in this wishy washy what’s the latest trend nation mean that I am a Rebel?

I think so or else why would I call my web log “The Rebel Christian Patriot.”

My Definition Of Christianity is Believing with all your heart mind and soul that God the one and only true Living God sent His Son ,Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to teach us how to live with God and our fellow man. That Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for all of the world's sins by dying for us on the cross and rising again three days later. All you have to do is ask our Lord to be your Lord, ask him to forgive your sins and try earnestly to live how the Lord wants you to live your life as defined in the Holy Bible.

My definition of true American Patriotism is loving my country as founded and intended by the Founding Fathers. Also by supporting the US Constitution as ratified in 1787 with the bill of rights as ratified In 1791, and let us not forget the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

In many ways I detest what this nation has become. I could say more but I do not wish to rant at this time

If you are reading this let me know what you think of True Christianity and True Patriotism.

This should have been my first post.


Sarah said...

I have had a difficult time coming to any sort of conclusion about this issue. I believe wholeheartedly with your definition of living as God wants us to live, giving us the Perfect Example through His Son, and eternal life through His death.

I support the original constitution. The gray area comes in when you realize that the Constitution is NOT upheld today - should we obey what our government *should* be governing us by, or obey our governors, period? As Christians we are commanded to be subject to "Every governing authority". The difficulty is knowing WHICH authority (in this case, the Constitution, or the perverted ones who govern) to obey.

It's not easy to come to a conclusion. :(

Mrs. G said...

What Sarah Jane said! I agree about Christianity and I think that most professors have hearts that are far from Him. I don't want to step on toes, but I think that is an accurate assessment unfortunately. As to the Gov't, well I agree that it is not as the FF intended but the Bible (which trumps the Constitution anyway) says to obey the Gov't not the *righteous only* Gov't and that's where it gets hard! It's hard to obey a perverse Gov't but Jesus obeyed a more perverse Gov't than we have to and that's encouraging!

Paris & Gill

Mrs. G said...

As an addendum...... what are your thoughts about the Gov't being founded on sin (rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft)and therefore having a shaky foundation from its inception? Just throwing that out there, devil's advocate style (I hate that phrase BTW)

David said...

In response to Mrs. G

Love covers many sins. I Believe the Love of liberty covered for the sin of rebellion as this nation was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Was not Moses a rebel when he led his people out of Egypt as God told him to do?

One of my points is that this country could change for the better. You just have to look first to Our Lord, His Holy Scripture. Second to the U.S. Constitution and the 1791 version of the bill of rights as interpreted by those who wrote it. Thus using the first mentioned as your only doctrine and the second mentioned as your guide.

This would require a revolutionary old way of thinking.

Change Americans Died For.


Sarah said...

That is a good point about Jesus living in the midst of a perverted government, Mrs. G!

I think I'll have to just go with what I was taught by my mom, growing up. . .obey your government as much as you are able. When the government DIRECTLY tells you to perform an act that is a sin against God, then it is better to obey God's law, rather than man's law. For instance, if I was commanded to have a certain number of children and no more, and was forced to have an abortion because of an additional pregnancy, I would certainly do all I could to prevent that from happening.

As far as love covers sin. . .well, I think God's love can cover man's sin ("But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. .", but man's love cannot cover man's sin and make it justifiable in God's sight. Justifiable in man's sight? Perhaps. . .but man is not our judge. God CANNOT tolerate sin. There WILL be a reckoning.

I'm not even sure that it was right for us to rebel against England. As I've told you before, I am pretty sure I would have been raised as a Loyalist in those times, just because of my parents teachings and beliefs based on their study of the WOG that we need to submit to our rulers. If we had been born beneath the rule of England, then our duty would have been to England, etc.

Thought provoking post, dearest. . .and it helps me get my mind out of the clothing of the 1790's. At least for now. :)

Mrs. G said...

This post and these comments are giving our family a lot of food for thought. We'll probably delve deeper into it at friday's Bible study.