16 November, 2008

Why Not

Why couldn’t we just send all the liberal extremists to one or two states? Let them birth a new nation under themselves... For they know not Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and despise everything the founding fathers stood and fought for. Maybe call it the U.S.S.A. …You know the United Socialist States of America. It could be happy place for them. A place where they can impose all the liberal, anti U.S. Constitutional, tyrannical, dangerous, Un-Godly laws, Policies and ways of life that they can think of... for themselves.

All We the people of these United States ever needed in government is to be governed in purity and truth as our founding fathers intended.

Why not? Let us see where and how quickly the liberal’s road to despotism leads? Let them do that to themselves. Not to all of us. Why not also see how well a Conservative Christian rooted nation fares in the world?

Give them authority over themselves and their like. For I will not submit to thier brand of despotism.


Sarah said...

Very good points, a common-sense idea and a good compromise between the liberal/conservative groups in our nation.

Nice blog, dearest one!

Anonymous said...

I could not have stated it any better. However, to "hasten" the Lord's return the whole world must go to pot like the days of Noah. It is a frustrating thing to have the liberal media control the people's mind and make us see things that aren't there, but the root of all of this is sin - come soon Lord Jesus!

Historical Ken said...

Amen! Love your posts!

David said...

Thank you to all who have commented!

Anonymous said...


Why don't you guys take a smaller territory, since you're obviously in the minority in terms of population.